Eeek! *How* long since i last posted.........
Well the garden (general) is in a real state ATM. I have started the pruning/clearing process but it is S-L-O-W. In the veg garden we are still harvesting lots of runner beans and tomatoes. Not as many as a few weeks ago but still a basketful every 2/3 days. The peas are in full swing but look vert insignificant compared to the ones i planted in the spring. They were "Alderman" and grew to be about 6ft tall whereas these "Kelvedon Wonder" are only about a foot high. They are nice but i don't think they are as sweet as Alderman.
We had our first sweetcorn a couple of weeks ago and very nice it was too - far superior to anything in the shops. There are about 3 more to come but not sure if they will reach maturity as it has become quite cool now. Ditto the squash. We have loads on the vine (is it a vine???) but i don't know how long they take to form. I really hope we get at least one as i love butternut squash.
I have been thinking ahead to next year. I definitely need to dig in more organic matter before next years effort as the soil does not hold onto water that well. However before all that i need to get DP to repair the crumbling beds. They have been built with regular house bricks, i think, and the years of frost damage they have endured has meant that some of the walls are just crumbling away :o( Have thought about
Link-a-Bordbut not sure how strong they are and how long they'd last. Would prefer brick again really but time is a problem....unless we get someone else to do it.
As for crops next year i will definitely do:
Tomatoes - Though i'd like to try a different variety(ies)
Courgettes - Perhaps not soooo many as this year!
French Beans - These were so delishious i think i would even go for the same variety
Lettuce - maybe a few different types instead of just the one
Onions and Garlic - Would like to do double the amount if i have space. Not sure if i would do Salad Onions again as they take so long to grow.
Sweetcorn - i would plant more if possible to try and eliminate what happened this year.
Peas - Will try and do an early row too
Won't bother with:
Calabrese - too many caterpillars. Wasn't sucessful at all this year!
Wild Rocket - Always bolts very quickly.
Cucumber - unless i have a greenhouse.
Leaf Beet - Only like it as a salad ingrediant and it soon seems to go "woody" so it's lifespan for this is short.
Butternut Squash - though i'd like to taste my crop form this year first.
Runner Beans - not sure....i like them but DP prefers French Beans so not sure if better just to do double of those.
Potatoes - Never tired these before so would like to have a go.
Not sure what else yet. If i have a green house i'd like another bash at growing peppers and chillies.
Task for this weekend.....clearing out the pond.