Went to the garden centre to stock up on a few seeds i was missing and ended up buying one of those mini greenhouses. I *should* have had a proper greenhouse by now but what with the house alterations and one thing and another it had been postponed yet again. Anyway i'm pleased with my mini one and it is surprising how much stuff you can get in it!
Spent Saturday doing all the tidying we should have done back end of last year and mick cut the lawns. We look almost respectable now ;o)
In the veg garden...
Sunday, i planted the onion sets that we got several weeks ago. These are in the bottom end of bed 2. The top end of bed 2 has the garlic that mick planted a while ago. I also managed to squeeze a row each of Salad Onions (White Lisbon), Cos Lettuce (Remus RZ) and Mixed Salad leaves into this bed - oh and some Nasteriums to (hopefully) stop the blackfly attacking my veg (worked last year, so fingers crossed).
We prepared Bed 1 for the peas and beans by puting the canes and netting up. I have also got a small poly tunnel here as i am hoping to plant some early beans. I'm doing French beans (Neckar Queen) as in previous years as they are lovely. Can't decide if to bother with runners. I have loads of seed saved from last year but we didn't like them as much as the French Beans so they just ended up in the freezer. Fair enough you might say but we didn't really enjoy them as they were rather stringy - partly because they hadn't been picked soon enough i think.