Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The sleepers arrived on Friday for the new raised beds in the vegetable garden. They look ok, i think they will do the job well.

We had the fun of moving them from the front to the back of the house, very heavy they were too.

The bulbs i planted before Christmas in the bed behind the new extension and pots on the patio all seem to have poked their heads through. It's very exciting!

I ordered my veg seed at the weekend too so double excitment :o) It will be an incentive for us to get a wriggle on with sorting out those raised beds.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

I had planned to ditch this blog and just lump the garden stuff in with everything else but i think it's maybe time to ressurect it. We are going to be very busy this year, there is so much to do. Last year the garden was pretty much left to ramble as we were having building work done to the back and side of the house, making access difficult. So basically the garden is a huge mess!

We've started by ordering some sleepers to replaced the crumbled brick of the raised beds in the veggie garden - something that is long overdue. Mick was going to build new brick ones but having weighed up how much time it would take him we decided sleepers were the way to go. They are unused pressure treated ones, not the kind covered in creosote!

So now i just need to decide what we are going to grow :o)