Sunday, December 21, 2003

Well what a long time since my last post!
BIL sent us loads of garlic in with Millie's birthday present so i planted it today. Goodness knows whether or not it will survive. The planting conditions were less than perfect (ie it wasn't quite sub-zero but not far off) TBH, for all i know that may be ideal, i have never planted it this time of year before. I planted 49 cloves in total so now we will just have to wait and see.

Quick update on the pond...
Well after several weeks of it looking rather dodgy, loads of algae etc the water is now crystal clear. Can't wait for the tadpoles in spring, we will get a much better view than last time.

the rest of the garden is a complete mess still. I haven't even planted a single bulb and time is running out!

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