Monday, March 12, 2007

Springs almost here, the butterflies are out!
Well i have been busy in the garden since i last posted but just never got around to blogging it!

My seeds have arrived and i have sown some already, but only in the little greenhouse. I have leeks, Brussels sprouts and tomatoes. I have also sown a tray of cut and come again lettuce to keep on the patio. A pack I bought on a whim that is supposed to be ready in 3 weeks so we'll see!

Mick was busy in the garden at the weekend and has put together the first of my new raised beds. It's looking good :o) I think we will need a bit more topsoil though.
I spent my time sorting out the very neglected fruit bed. Apparently you are supposed to get new strawberry plants every two years, or something like that. Well we've been here nearly five years and have the same ones the previous owners put in. They still seem to crop ok, despite the fact i never even take the runners off. So anyway, i decided to thin them out a bit so *hopefully* if i've done it right we should get a bumper crop this year....Just incase it all goes wrong i bought some new plants too but will keep these on the patio for the time being. I'm still unsure whether or not you are supposed to remove the flowers in their first year, i've read mixed things about this so will chance it and not bother ;o)

The new bed outside the extension is looking very springlike...

Primroses just shout *spring is here!* to me.

The frogs have been busy too...

Lots of frogspawn!

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