Monday, March 10, 2003

Last week I started preparing the beds ready for sowing. If I had been organized I could have planted some green manure to enrich the soil and control the weeds over the winter, but sadly I am not organized. There were so many weeds. I have now dug over the first three beds and covered them with black plastic to prevent further weed growth before I begin my planting.

We have started to dig over the right hand side bed. This is proving a mammoth task as it is covered with comfrey, lemon balm, harebells and loads and loads of Jerusalem artichokes which have been left to their own devices over the past few years and so have just multiplied. Not a problem if you like them but I’m not a big fan so they will have to go.

I have also been preparing the tiny bed next to compost bins so that Millie (2yrs) can have it as a flower garden. The quality of the soil is very poor at the moment so have dug in plenty of manure and garden compost. Picked up my selection of seeds etc from BIL (allotment keeper extraordinaire!) yesterday so feeling very excited. Also came back after aweekend away to find our pond FULL of frogspawn. Just wait till dd sees it!!

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