Sunday, April 27, 2003

Planted some dill and another coriander plant in the herb garden. Finally planted out the pea seedings and also some Sweet Pea seedlings. Decided to be daring and plant three of the courgettes out (one of each variety) in bed 3, as all of them germinated so have plenty spare. I bought some garden fleece to protect them incase the weather turns nippy. They are pretty ropey looking specimens as the slugs have had a good old munch on them during their hardening off period. One has been so badly munched that the main stem is almost in two, but somehow it is managing to survive. I had wondered if it was worth planting it at all but though it would make a good test run if nothing else. Millie helped me plant some nasturtiums around the perimeter of this bed as they are supposed to be a good companium to courgettes. I also read today that you can plant runner beans or sweetcorn over the top of courgette plants, so that might solve my problem of where to site those two when the time comes.

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