Monday, June 23, 2003

Last night it rained...lots - i am sooo pleased :o) It hasn't rained for weeks and now the water butt is full once more.

Millie and i spent the afternoon picking strawberries and raspberries. We got a big tub of each - yum! We also pulled a nice lettuce, a few radishes and a few spring onions (the first!) for our tea. Also...very exciting....some peas. Only 3 pods but totally yummy. Millie was kept entertained by a couple of snails whilst i did a bit of weeding.

Out of the 15 sweetcorn seeds i planted, ten have germinated so far. I guess there is still time for a few more to pop up as there were two new ones today. The second lot of French beans have germinated (all but one) and the first lot have nearly reached the top of their supports. As have the runners. No sign yet of the butternut squash and marrow that i planted last wednesday. Have just realised that i haven't labled which is which, lol, and i have no idea!! Need to finish tidying the rest of that bed (bed4) so that i can plant another cucumber if not too late???Will have to check my books.

The tomato plants look much healthier since i planted them out but even though some have flowers there is no sign of fruit yet. I am SO impatient.

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