Saturday, June 28, 2003

My parents are staying for the weekend. My mum did lots of work in the garden this morning. She has planted the climbing rose that I bought when we visited them last. She planted the remaining seedlings that were still hanging around, some lavender and some cineraria. She also planted up another tub for the sun deck which DP bought this morning - looks lovely.

I staked some of the tomato plants and noticed that the ones near the house have baby tomatoes on! I counted twenty in total. I hadn't noticed as they were all trailing all over the floor, so that was a nice surprise.

In the afternoon DP's sister, husband and dd came. They are the ones with the allotment so I was keen to pick their brains. Apparently the courgettes that seemed to be rather stunted are supposed to be like that - they are a round variety, lol!
We had a BBQ and while we were all sat around the table eating we kept getting bothered by a bee. I joked that it must be making a nest under the table. Well when we investigated further it seems that is exactly what it was doing - well, laying eggs in the screw holes and then covering them with a perfectly round piece of leaf. Quite amazing!

We are starting to get quite a few peas now but I very much doubt whether any of them will get cooked, they are too yummy and much nicer to eat raw.

This is what I did last Tuesday 24/06/03:

I finally planted out the calabrese. There are ten in total. I've put them next to the sweetcorn - hopefully it will be ok. So much for my plan, I don't think anything has ended up where it was supposed to!!

I sowed new rows of radish, lettuce and rocket (think this is our 4th row of each) but since then the fox has visited and dug up where I planted the lettuce and so I don't know how many will germinate. The rocket and radishes have already germinated and seem relatively unharmed.

I planted dd's sunflowers. There are five altogether I think.

We are now getting loads of strawberries and raspberries.

Millie and her basket of Strawberries, Raspberries, lettuce and spring onions

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